Where Your Pet Is Our Star! 614-847-3647
47 Depot St. • Powell, OH 43065

Pet Salon in Powell, OH

Is that dog of yours smelling a bit ripe these days? Do you dread letting your dog into your house, because you know that the second you do, your home will be instantly filled with a magical bouquet of tang, spice, and olfactory horror? Not to worry. Pup-A-Razzi is here to help!

Pup-A-Razzi is your number 1 full service pet salon located in Powell, OH. We are dedicated to providing high quality service through safe and comfortable practices. Pup-A-Razzi offers a number of different services including grooming, nail trimming, and doggy day care. Here at Pup-A-Razzi, your pet is the biggest star of the stage. Stop in today or give us a call to schedule an appointment!


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Pup-A-Razzi |
47 Depot St. Powell, OH 43065
| 614-847-3647 | info@pup-a-razzipetsalon.com